A Wrapper around ocaml-jingoo.
This module can act as a provider to inject metadata in a template written in Jingoo.
val apply_as_template :
(module Yocaml.Metadata.INJECTABLE with type t = 'a) ->
?strict:bool ->
Yocaml.Filepath.t ->
('a * string, 'a * string) Yocaml.Build.t
Applies a file as a template. (and replacing the metadata). Once the content has been transformed, the arrow returns a pair containing the metadata and the file content injected into the template.
val to_string : ?strict:bool -> (string * t) list -> string -> string
to_string variables templates
produces a string where variables
have been applied.
val string : string -> t
Produces a String
val boolean : bool -> t
Produces a Booelan
val integer : int -> t
Produces an Integer
val float : float -> t
Produces a Float
val atom : string -> t
Produces an Atom
val null : t
Produces a Null